Royalty Free Background Music for your Business with the Copyright Royalties INCLUDED !

If you are a business owner and you need
royalty free music for your store, we have you covered!

Focus on your business

We take care of the rest

Our music comes in more than 180 playlists from 29 genres, carefully curated by experts. All royalties to the two copyright societies representing our music are INCLUDED. Just pick the playlist suitable for your business.

Secure your Copyright Certificate
Hassle free service

Easy to use with basic skills

Select the playlist you want and give the URL to your employees. You can pick a different password for the streams than your billing account for total security.

Get the music started

Your Copyright Certificate today!

Receive the official Copyright Certificate from two Copyright Organisations with the right to offer multi-territorial licences to businesses in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Play something safe

No Royalties to Other Societies

With StorePoetry.com I get tons of music, categorized and ready, without loosing precious time.  StorePoetry.com is an essential tool for every business owner.  It allows you to play music in public, which your customers will love, without paying any royalties to the copyright collecting agencies.

Save money and time worldwide

When you have a business, you have to pay for the copyrights of the music you play in public, even you use Youtube, Spotify or online radio. Otherwise you will face hefty fines. I chose StorePoetry.com since It has the best music for my store, their music is not represented by any copyright collecting agency in the world and i save hundreds of dollars each year. Thank you Storepoetry.com.

Avoid legal problems

I never knew that playing music from radio stations could result in a law suit from the companies which represent the artists. For a very low price I got a Licensing Certificate which allows me to play music in my store. If you are a business owner you should try it too.

More than 55 music stations!

Hi, I always used online radio in my business. I found out that not only it is illegal, but I have to pay thousands of dollars in fines and fees. The solution was StorePoetry.com. StorePoetry has over 30 music channels I can play legally in my store.

Background music for businesses

I always thought the internet is difficult to use. I needed to get background music for my store and the prices around here were absurd. My best friend told me about Storepoetry.com. They have the music I need.

A better customer experience!

We love listening to music when we do our shopping. Usually, the music is so bad it sounds really silly, like elevator music. Last time however the music was so good we had to ask what online radio the store used. They told us they use StorePoetry.com.

Music royalties included in the price

Hi, I have a franchise store and I need music for me and my customers. I tried online radio, Youtube and Spotify but my lawyer told me I have to pay for the copyrights of the music I was playing in public or face a lawsuit. I research and chose StorePoetry.com.

Better in-store music on a budget

When money gets tight and you are a small business owner like me, you have to survive by cutting expenses. I chose to go with StorePoetry.com for the background music in my store.

Improve productivity

I work part time at a department store. The music was so boring I could not stand it any more. I told my supervisor about StorePoetry.com. StorePoetry.com offers background music for any kind of store and you can choose between multiple audio channels. From jazz, to lounge, classical, pop, and more!

Are you ready for StorePoetry?

More than 180 curated playlists, in a plan which includes both the music and the copyright royalties. Our music is not represented by other Copyright Societies.

HoReCa Businesses

Hotels – Restaurants – Cafes

  • Copyright Royalties INCLUDED !
  • Official Copyright Certificate
  • No payments to Collective Societies
  • More than 180 playlists
  • Genre specific channels
  • 6 – 12 months subscriptions
  • Daily playlist update
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Available to EU and EEA countries
Buy a music license